
This week in Sunday school

Sunday, January 12th

“Epiphany” is a big word, and like many big words in the Church, it has a lot of ideas that come along with it. This week, we’ll have our heads in the stars as we learn about how Christians have expanded on the famous Wise Men, imaginatively travel to a camel caravan in a desert, and brush up on our astronomical skills.

this semester in sunday school

On the second and fourth Sundays of each month, Sunday School will be in person at St. Matthias’. We’re conscious of the need to maintain cleanliness and good ventilation, and we’re asking our families to do their part, too! We encourage anyone with a fever to stay home, and runny noses will be required to wear masks. We have our own pediatric masks available for anyone who develops a need during Sunday School, too. For more information about our in-person plan, drop us a line!

This semester, we’re spending time with the mysteries of the Church, exploring rituals, objects, ceremonies, and more. As we follow the liturgical calendar, we’ll discover the ways that the different seasons of our life as a community teach us lessons we can use in our whole lives. And, during the big season of Lent, we’ll dive into the Lord’s Prayer to unpack the way Jesus taught us to pray.

We’re also looking for volunteers to come and spend time with the Sunday School so that Janet and Jessica can take alternate Sundays off. If you’re interested in being part of our little community, please get in touch with Fr. Patrick.


last week in sunday school

Sunday, December 8th

John the Baptist was a weird guy: it’s hard to dispute. Fr. Patrick came up to help us explore John’s personality and message - and to help us finish up all our decorations for the church this Christmas!

next week in sunday school

Sunday, January 26th

Just a little while ago, the church celebrated Jesus’ baptism, and this spring, we’re going to have several baptisms at St. Matthias’! Join us as we explore the many different ways Christians have practiced this sacrament (and ask what the heck a sacrament is in the first place), get our hands involved with St. Matthias’ baptism equipment, and prepare candles!