
The Most Reverend Bruce Stavert

Archbishop of Quebec (Retired)

clergy associate/honourary assistant

Before coming to St. Matthias', Rev. Bruce was for eighteen years the Bishop of the Diocese of Quebec - and during the last five of those years also the Metropolitan (senior Bishop) of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada - hence the title Archbishop. He came (returned) to St. Matthias'  because it is the parish he grew up in - where he was baptized and confirmed - and he returned in retirement to the Montreal area. He preaches from time to time and occasionally presides or assists at the altar. A few years ago, he acted as Priest-in-Charge of the parish for several months between rectors.

Rev. Bruce has many theological interests and passions - he has always been particularly interested in liturgical issues and how liturgy needs to adapt and suit differing worshipping communities. When he was young and before discovering a vocation to Ordination, he thought about journalism and international diplomacy as careers. He seldom, if ever, uses all his post-nominals, and, if he were running late and a dog crossed his path, would not stop to pet it because, despite his fondness for them, one must be careful of strange dogs on the street!