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Humans are designed, engineered and built to sing. Those who sing, as they say, pray twice. Music can take people to places words alone cannot. Music is a living, breathing witness to the ephemeral but vital nature of a living church. Music is also the bicycle of the Liturgy.  We train choristers to help lead the congregational song and add aural beauty to the service. Organ/piano music mirrors the theme/tenor of the Church seasons and readings of the day.

People are drawn to a choir who communicate as one voice. Music is a vehicle to transcend daily life, and its international language connects all people regardless of culture and background. Making music draws us in and transforms our souls. The St. Matthias’ Choir conveys to the community that sense of “How Can I Keep from Singing?” that is an expression of our joy.

There are many benefits to being part of our choir! These include:

breathing together in harmony

exposure to biblical text

varied styles and eras of repertoire (Medieval to Modern) challenge

offers a precious, fragile and vital gift which ministers to chorister and listener alike

builds community within the larger parish community

The choir rehearses on Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm and Sundays from 9:00-10:30am, with services going until noon. To get involved in instrumental leadership, choral singing, or other aspects of the song of the people, please contact the Choir Director, Scott Bradford.